Author Guidlines
Article Title Using Bahasa If Manuscript with Indonesian Max 15 Words
Author, Author (numbering on the author is used when the author is more than 1 institution, and without mentioning the title and put a sign (*) for correspondent authors)
Name of the author's Affiliated Agency / Institution (without mentioning the Position)
Abstract in Indonesian if the manuscript uses Bahasa, contains one paragraph with a maximum of 150 words with no formulas. Abstract at least contains background, objectives, methods, results and recommendations (if any). Abstract does not contain mathematical descriptions and statistical language. at the end of the abstract ends with a maximum of 4-5 keywords that are able to represent the writing.
Keywords: keywords 4-5 words
Article Title Using English If Manuscript with Bahasa Max 15 Words
Abstract in English in one paragraph with English maximum 150 words with no formulas. Abstract at least contains background, objectives, methods, results and recommendations (if any). Abstract does not contain mathematical descriptions and statistical language. at the end of the abstract ends
with keywords with a maximum of 4-5 words that are able to represent the writing.
Keywords: keywords 4-5 words
Contains the background of the research or writing so that it raises problems that need to be solved. Theories and references to previous research that form the basis of the writing are included in this section in the form of paragraphs not in the form of sub-chapters and show the novelty of the research conducted. Articles are written on A4 paper, top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm left side 4 cm and right side 3 cm. Font Book Antiqua size 11 with a word count between 4000 - 7000 words. The second paragraph and so on are tabbed, except for the first paragraph which is without tabs. This is a characteristic of the Environmental Pollution Journal. Each new sub-chapter begins with an untabbed paragraph and then moves to the second paragraph and so on. The citation style used in this journal refers to the APA Style. Authors are required to use the MENDELEY application to present citations and bibliographies automatically.
Contains the research design used (methods, types of data, data sources, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, variable measurements) written in the form of flowing paragraphs (no numbering is made). The writing of formulas, equations used is arranged on a separate line and numbered sequentially in parentheses (justify) and placed on the right margin parallel to the line.
with the line
The presentation of the formula and the description of the formula can be seen below:
Y = β 0 + b 1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 + .... b n X n + ε (1)
Where Y is Entrepreneurial Intention, β 0 is a constant, b 1, b 2 are regression coefficients, X 1 is the need for achievement, X 2 is self-efficacy and ε is the error term.
Contains the results of research findings where the results and discussion are not separated. It is expected that in this discussion the author examines the results of his findings and is cross-referenced with theoretical studies and empirical studies which are written systematically, critically analyzed, and informative. The use of tables, figures, etc. is only as support that clarifies the discussion and is limited only to truly substantial support, for example tables of statistical test results, pictures of model test results, etc.
The discussion of results is argumentative regarding the relevance of the results, theory, previous research and empirical facts found, and shows the novelty of the findings, the use of tables is highly recommended.
Contains conclusions formed in one paragraph. The conclusion should be an answer to the research question, and not expressed in statistical sentences. Written as long as one paragraph in essay form, not in numerical form. If it is necessary to write suggestions or recommendations then it is written together in this one paragraph.
1. Acknowledgments are only written if it is considered important to write such as related to funding sources, data access and mentoring, other parties that help the completion of paper writing.
The bibliography contains a list of journals, books, or other publications referred to in the manuscript published in the last 10 years. The number of references is at least 20 reference sources, and as many as 80% of them are literature sourced from journals.
Bibliography follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition. Writing a bibliography (and citations) must use the Mendeley application.
Example of Table Presentation
Tables are presented at the top or bottom of the page only (no separating paragraphs in the middle).
paragraph in the middle).
Example of Table Presentation
Tables are presented at the top or bottom of the page only (no separating paragraphs in the middle).
paragraph in the middle).
Table 1
Table Title
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2017
Example of Image Presentation
Source: xxxxx, (Year)
Picture 1
Title of Picture